Sharpening, knife and leather care.
Looking after your new knife is very important, as improper care can severely damage your knife. Some of our blades have edges that are razor sharp. To obtain such sharp edges, they are sharpened at an angle between 17 and 25 degrees depending weather you have a kitchen or bushcraft knife. Sharpening to an angle of 17 degrees results in a thinner edge, and so can be easily damaged if abused.
If you have a bushcraft knife from us it will have been sharpened at an angle of 25 degrees. Our kitchen knives are usually 20 degrees.
Below are a few videos relating to sharpening your knife. Use any method that works best for you but try not to use any method that results in a lot of material being removed from the blade. At the end of each day you use your knife just strop the edge with a leather strop, this is probably all you will need to do to keep the edge tip top. Remember best is "little and often".
If after heavy use or the edge has been damaged you need look no further than the Lansky system. Designed to give your blade a professional, razor sharp edge every time. The knife clamp holds the knife in place while it's guide holes maintain angle consistency when sharpening. This provides the user superior results regardless of their knife sharpening experience.
Wooden handle care.
If you have a knife with a hardwood handle it will have been treated with boiled linseed oil and a top coat of Tung or Danish oil. If the handle on your knife starts to look dull you should apply either Tung or Danish oil with a clean dry cloth.
If the wood is a light colour use Tung oil, and if its dark wood use Danish oil.
Care of your leather sheath.
Your sheath will be supplied having been treated with,
Neatsfoot oil, Mink oil and a top layer of Fiebings Resolene treatment.
If you wish you can apply any good quality leather treatment once your sheath starts to look like it needs freshening up.
Please remember!
Do not cut on hard surfaces, always use on an appropriate chopping board.
Do not attempt to cut through frozen foods or bones. This can result in knife failure or damage to the user.
Do not use harsh cleaning solutions and any solution containing bleach. Dishwashers should be avoided to maintain the look of your knife.
Do not cut with a chopping motion. This is not the proper way to cut and only dulls your knife. Cut with a slicing motion.
Do not use our knives for any purpose other than for what they were intended, preparation of food and or bushcraft.
Keep your knife clean and dry at all times when not in use.
The Lansky system
How to use a steel
How to use a leather strop